01:13:57duration 1 hour 13 minutes
February17 1001atomic structure
Atomic structure
53:36duration 53 minutes 36 seconds
Bond energy and Enthalpy of reaction calculation…
Bond energy and Enthalpy of reaction calculation for a reaction
44:45duration 44 minutes 45 seconds
November17 1042chapter 9
01:06:36duration 1 hour 6 minutes
November05 0924part 1 ionic and covalent bonding…
November05 0924part 1 ionic and covalent bonding concept.avi
ionic and covalent bonding
01:15:55duration 1 hour 15 minutes
November03 0926chapter 7 part 2 electron…
November03 0926chapter 7 part 2 electron configuration
Chapter 7 Electron configuration
02:12:34duration 2 hours 12 minutes
chapter7 wave nature and quantum numbers chapter…
chapter7 wave nature and quantum numbers chapter 7 part 1
Chapter 7 electrons and quantum numbers
01:53:54duration 1 hour 53 minutes
Writing Chemical formulas of binary ionic and…
Writing Chemical formulas of binary ionic and covalent compounds
binary ionic and covalent compounds
01:14:17duration 1 hour 14 minutes
intermolecular forces and phase changes.avi
01:19:48duration 1 hour 19 minutes
01:10:31duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Lewis structures
01:05:54duration 1 hour 5 minutes
chapter 8 part 2
46:55duration 46 minutes 55 seconds
chapter 8 part 1
periodic properties
29:22duration 29 minutes 22 seconds
chapter 9 part 2
lewis structure part 2
49:23duration 49 minutes 23 seconds
molecular orbital theory
orbital theory
32:17duration 32 minutes 17 seconds
lewis structures and hybridiazation
Hybridization and Lewis structure
Formal charge