01:41duration 1 minute 41 seconds
Dosages q10.10
10. Dr. J. orders an 1800 cal daily tube feeding with Enrich to be given q4h. Enrich provides 260 cal/ 8 oz. How many mL should be given per feeding?
01:16duration 1 minute 16 seconds
Dosages q10.9
9. The order is for Ensure 2000 cal per NG tube/ day divided into 8 feedings. Ensure provides 250 cal/ 8 oz. How many ml would be given per feeding?
01:51duration 1 minute 51 seconds
Dosages q10.8
8. Intermittent tube feedings are to be given q4h. Enrich formula, which provides 260 cal/ 8 oz. is to be used. The order for a 24 hr. period is 2000cc/ 1200 cal. How many…