Search for tag: "ghana"

9th Annual Akwaaba Dance and Drum Festival Panel Discussion

In celebration of Black History Month, the Dance Department of HCC Northwest hosted the 9th annual Akwaaba Dance and Drum Festival Feb. 25 - 27 at the Spring Branch campus. The activities scheduled…

From  Madeleine Wright 0 likes 0  

8th Annual Akwaaba Dance and Drum Festival: Pre-Performance Talk

Recorded on the final night of the 8th Annual Akwaaba Dance & Drum Festival at Houston Community College's Spring Branch Campus. Moderator and founder of HCC's African Dance Society,…

From  Madeleine Wright 0 likes 0  

Rene Rodriguez Soriano

"Letras de las islas del Caribe hispano" es un viaje panorámico por el maravilloso y mágico mundo de la literatura de las islas del Caribe hispano. Textos y autores…

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From  Ruben Duran 0 likes 0  

7th Annual Akwaaba Dance and Drum Festival

Panel disccusion " Ritual & Africanist Aesthetic" held Thursday, February 20, 2014 at Spring Brach Campus as part of the Annual Akwaaba Dance & Drum Festival.

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From  Madeleine Wright 0 likes 0