Search for tag: "virtues"

Aristotle's Virtue Ethics in a Nutshell by Alexandrine Makhoul

Short video explaining Aristotle's virtue ethics by Fall 2019 student, Alaxandrine Makhoul.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  


Aristotle on intellectual and moral virtues, books 2 and 6 of the Nicomachean Ethics. Focus is on the role of character, habits, and deliberation in virtuous actions.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

Aristotle on Happiness

This is a brief lecture covering, roughly, Book 1 of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics where he demonstrates how happiness is the highest good of human action and how the virtuous action of the…

From  Nathan Smith 1 likes 1  

Euthyphro-9-28-17 at 8.56 AM

A brief introductory lecture to Plato's Euthyphro. This was prepared for an online Introduction to Ethics (PHIL 2306) class, Module 1: Metaethics.

From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

050412 - Aquinas, The Cardinal Virtues, pt. 2

050412 - Aquinas, The Cardinal Virtues, pt. 2

From  Carlos Bohorquez 0 likes 0  

050412 - Aquinas, The Cardinal Virtues, pt. 1

050412 - Aquinas, The Cardinal Virtues, pt. 1

From  Carlos Bohorquez 0 likes 0