Search for tag: "ash"

FDOL F20 - Fiber Reactive Rinse & Discard

In this 12-minute video, we go over what to do last, once the soda ash has fixed the pigment into the fabric.

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

FDOL F20 - Fiber Reactive Dye Soda Ash

In this 9-minute video, we pre-mix our soda ash with water. We then set aside the dyeables before stirring the soda ash into the dye pot. We bring back the dyeables in the dye bath and stir…

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

FDOL F20 - Fiber Reactive Dye Tips & Advice

In this 12-minute video, we learn a few more things about our dye bath and how to obtain the best results by controlling the time, the concentration, and the agitation of our dyeing process.

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

FDOL F20 - Fiber Reactive Supplies Prep

In this 10-minute video, we go over the supplies we need: hardware, chemicals, and PPE.

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0