Search for tag: "budget"

2021 Virutal Faculty Senate Micro-Conference--March 2

Speaker: RICHARD MOORE: Topic: Legislative Update: Community College Faculty and the Texas Legislature When the COVID-19 pandemic came to Texas, our community colleges stepped up, preparing nurses…

From  Debra Schultz 0 likes 0  

Changing Lanes and Raising Utility

Changing Lanes and Raising Utility. This material in this video was adapted from "Principles of Economics" which is entrusted to the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES PUBLISHING EDITION,…

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Federal Spending

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Federal Spending

+19 More
From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Fiscal Policy and Interest Rates

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Fiscal Policy and Interest Rates

+19 More
From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Slices of Federal Spending

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Slices of Federal Spending

+19 More
From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Standardized Deficit and Actual Deficit

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Standardized Deficit and Actual Deficit

+19 More
From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

The Impact of Government Borrowing - The Federal Debt to GDP Ratio

The Impact of Government Borrowing - The Federal Debt to GDP Ratio

+19 More
From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

The Impact of Government Borrowing - The Pattern of Federal Budget Deficits and Surpluses

The Impact of Government Borrowing - The Pattern of Federal Budget Deficits and Surpluses

+19 More
From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Total Government Spending and Taxes as a Percentage of GDP

The Impact of Government Borrowing - Total Government Spending and Taxes as a Percentage of GDP

+19 More
From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Consumer Theory - Calculating Marginal Utility from a Table

Consumer Theory - Calculating Marginal Utility from a Table. Image provided by OpenStax.

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Consumer Choice - Marginal Gain and Marginal Loss of Utility

Consumer Choice - Marginal Gain and Marginal Loss of Utility. Image provided by OpenStax.

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Consumer Choice - Deriving the Budget Constraint

Consumer Choice - Deriving the budget constraint. Image provided by OpenStax.

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Consumer Choice - Deriving the Demand Curve

Consumer Choice - Deriving the Demand Curve.

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Government Budgets and Fiscal Policy

Government budgets and fiscal policy. PowerPoint file provided by OpenStax.

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

Choice in a World of Scarcity - Budget Constraint

Budget Constraint - image provided by OpenStax

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

International Trade and Capital Flows Lecture

International Trade and Capital Flows

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0