22:55duration 22 minutes 55 seconds
Racial Segregation: Professor Tannahill's…
Racial Segregation: Professor Tannahill's Lecture of October 10, 2017
Racial Segregation
14:23duration 14 minutes 23 seconds
Texas History I: Professor Tannahill's…
Texas History I: Professor Tannahill's Lecture of January 17, 2017
Texas History I
30:44duration 30 minutes 44 seconds
Bicameral Congress: Professor Tannahill's…
Bicameral Congress: Professor Tannahill's Lecture of October 25, 2016
Bicameral Congress
24:16duration 24 minutes 16 seconds
Yolanda Black Navarro
10:40duration 10 minutes 40 seconds
Dr. Nicolás Kanellos