Hi, I'm Maria. I'm part of an ESOL Writing class, and I want to share an extraordinary experience I had recently, thanks to my professor, Prof. Hayes. She's not your typical teacher;…
Creative Commmons License
Attribution-ShareAlike: CC BY-SA
This is a short commentary on virtual reality and art. Produced and Directed by Jacqueline Hernandez as the final project for Digital VIdeo I during the Fall of 2023.
Hey there, folks! It's a thrilling day for all of us, and I couldn't be more excited to introduce you to the Meta Quest 3 – the next iteration of the immersive web as we know it. This…
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Marco Robinson is Associate Professor of History and Assistant Director of the Ruth J. Simmons Center for Race and Justice at Exploring Black History in Texas: Connecting Archival, Oral and Digital…
The Aggregate Production Function Examined
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Wall to
Wall: Exploration of portraiture in space | Darla Barolini Lawrence
large oversize canvas paintings.
In her debut novel Secrets of the Casa Rosada, author Alex Temblador explores Martha’s journey of discovery in her new city. Martha must adapt quickly to a new climate, new religion (her…
Reading Culture Presents: "Biography of a Runaway Slave Guest Speaker Dr. Edward L. Cox PH.D
Dr. Jane Cirillo facilitates this seminar by modeling the concept of teams, group work, and independent student work.
Dr. Jane Cirillo facilitates this seminar as a method to model one of many ways a professor can be present in an online course. Don White, Videographer.