Search for tag: "feelings"

David Rubio - Photobook

Digital Storytelling project for Creative Nonfiction. Professor Stacey Higdon's ENGL 2307 (Creative Writing I) class. Spring 2018.

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From  Stacey Higdon 0 likes 0  

Kant's Groundwork, Section I

This short video provides some background to help students understand Section I of Kant's Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals.

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From  Nathan Smith 0 likes 0  

Influencing with Impact – The Importance of IQ + EQ by Jim Claunch

Influencing with Impact – The Importance of IQ + EQ by Jim Claunch. Part of the Economics Speaker Series

From  Richard Gosselin 0 likes 0  

How does that make you feel

How does that make you feel is a phrase often used in counseling but it is one that should not be used. Short presentation as to why.

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From  Richard Rosing 0 likes 0  

How does that make you feel

How does that make you feel is a phrase often used in counseling but it is one that should not be used. Short presentation as to why.

+25 More
From  Richard Rosing 0 likes 0