A guide to accessing the Speech Q&A menu and setting up your speech.
In this 5-minute video, I explain how to export a PNG out of an AI document, and how to upload it in our Discussion Forum.
In this 20-minute video, we get introduced to Accumark Explorer Environment, how to customize the application, and how to import a zipped file directly into Explorer.
Smart New Row and Session Stats for Kaltura Live Room - check attendance after class, get log in and log out times and even chat history!
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
How to download a 3d Model from Thingiverse.com
In this 6-minute video, we learn how to save an image onto our computer, upload it onto Canvas and post it to a Discussion Forum
This 16-minute video walks us through the importance of Discussions, how to write one, and how they are graded by your instructor.
Editing and combining PDF files
Teach Like a Pro in Kaltura Live Room
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
How to complete Try It 6.2
Record or Not Record - That is the Question. This video will discuss the advantage of not recording your live lectures and focuses on a more practical alternative.
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
This is a recording of a web conference session (Kaltura Live Room) where I cover using the Ally tools in Canvas to improve accessibility as well as using captioning tool in Kaltura for captioning…