Begin Research: Finding and Accessing LibGuides
StoryMap Presentation link https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/eab5fada00fd4d3fbec8b942005c4fec
Dr. Wren Bump, VAST Academy professor, describes the VR projects her classes worked in the Fall 21 semester. From outcomes to engagement, her students worked to develop Math skills-building towns and…
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Professor Melissa Miller-Waters introduces us to the novel "The Map of Salt and Stars,' by Zeyn Joukhadar, one of the two choices for the Fall 2020 Reading Culture program.
Costs, Production and Industry Structure - Average Costs and Marginal Costs
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Voter Turnout in Texas
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Attribution: CC BY
Presidential Elections: The Fall Campaign
Dr. Sarah Bednarz presentation and discussion of geography and ways to educate students and the general public about its importance. As our planet has become increasingly interconnected and…