Monopoly and Price Discrimination
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Monopoly - Profit Maximization
Monopoly Profit Maximization
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Profit Maximizing hockey teams. The material from this video was adapted from "Principles of Economics" which is entrusted to the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES PUBLISHING EDITION, 2016.…
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Ambassador Bridge - Case Study of a Monopoly Story is adapted from a textbook titled "Principles of Economics"UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES PUBLISHING EDITION, 2016. THIS EDITION…
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Monopoly - Consumer Surplus Transferred and Deadweight Loss
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Natural Monopoly and Government Regulation
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Monopoly and Antitrust - Calculating the HHI. Images provided by OpenStax.
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Oligopoly - Comparing Demand Curves. Image provided by OpenStax.
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Labor markets and income. PowerPoint provided by OpenStax.
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Monopoly profit-maximizing price and output level.