Search for tag: "rotate"

ACS S20 - AI RP Quilt

In this 15-minute video, we learn to create a basic diagonal quilt using a dashed line.

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

ACS S20 - BS2 Reflect Tool

In this 15-minute video, we learn how to mirror shapes using the Reflect Tool (O) along with the powerful modifying key ALT. We also learn how to Join two open shapes into one closed shape.

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

ACS S20 - BS2 Rotate Tool

This in 14-minute recording, we draw ellipses using the Ellipse Tool in combination with the Input Method. We then equip the Rotate Tool to rotate our ellipses, in close combination with the…

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

ACS-S20 - AI Tools Subsets Functions

In this 17-minute video, we survey the three most useful tools subsets we will need in this class. We explain what each of these do.

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0  

ACS-S20 - AI Tools Subset Intro

This 5-minute video introduces the concept of subsets, and where to find them.

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From  Nicholas Champroux 0 likes 0