In this last video, we learn more about our three types of frames. what the handles do, and how to customize our margins, columns and gutters. We also introduce typography basics such as Leading and…
In this video, we go over our Zoom and Hand tool, how to view and navigate through our document, and the three different types of frames we use in InDesign.
In this 11-minute video, we learn how to convert a line drawing into a DXF vector using Illustrator Image Trace function.
In this 21-minute video, we learn to load selections using our shapes, and brush in highlights and shadows via black and white areas.
In this 13-minute video, we recycle our first shirt to create a second style.
In this 18-minute video, we go over how to add shading and drape lines.
In this 18-minute video, we learn how to draw the inside of our garment without using the Patch / Block method.
In this 12-minute video, we look at what to do when our starting image is not quite Image-Trace-compatible.
In this 15-minute video, we go over how to place and resize our garment image, how to image trace a clear outline, and how to use image trace to extract shadow.
In this 15-minute video, I introduce new tools that will become handy as we build our floats.
In this 13-minute video, we go over Image Trace, a great tool found on Illustrator that convert pixel-based graphics into vectors.
In this 7-minute video, I show you how to draw simple shapes to showcase your print, how to apply your print to these shapes, and how to scale your print within the shape without rescaling the shapes…
In this video, we learn how to select objects that have the same fill, how to apply and manipulate fills, and how to superimpose texture onto prints!
In this 25-minute video, we continue our exploration of Pattern Brushes, this time with a ruffle that we carefully end with a start and end cap!
In this 26-minute video, we learn how to Align to Key Object, use guides and align them to objects, and to trouble shoot brushes that are giving us issues.
In this 24-minute lecture, we take an in-depth look at scaling in Illustrator, and how to make symbols that are legible yet proportional to our 1/8-scale technical flats. This re-introduces basic…