Crash course for creating orientation videos. Sample Course Orientation Video: https://edutube.hccs.edu/media/BITC+1411+Course+Orientation+2020+-+Demo/1_q9it41bl Course Orientation resources
In this 11-minute video, we learn how to convert a line drawing into a DXF vector using Illustrator Image Trace function.
In this 21-minute video, we learn to load selections using our shapes, and brush in highlights and shadows via black and white areas.
In this 24-minute video, we dig deep into the Magic Wand (W) tool settings. We also apply different colors to different garment areas using the Paint Bucket (G) tool. We learn how to apply color to…
In this 16-minute video, we merge our illustration top and bottom, and then adjust our levels for a crisp outline on a white background.
In this 14-minute video, we apply the house style to our illustration to make sure that our float is consistent with the rest of the team's output.
In this 18-minute video, we learn how to draw the inside of our garment without using the Patch / Block method.
In this 12-minute video, we look at what to do when our starting image is not quite Image-Trace-compatible.
In this 15-minute video, we go over how to place and resize our garment image, how to image trace a clear outline, and how to use image trace to extract shadow.
In this 15-minute video, I introduce new tools that will become handy as we build our floats.
In this 13-minute video, we go over Image Trace, a great tool found on Illustrator that convert pixel-based graphics into vectors.
In this 26-minute video, we learn how to Align to Key Object, use guides and align them to objects, and to trouble shoot brushes that are giving us issues.
In this 25-minute video, we detail the inside of the coat. First, we make adjustments to our tables to reflect the actual garment we are documenting. Second, we create a more accurate lining by…
In this 10-minute tutorial, we learn how to create a three-dimensional snap with text and radial gradient.
In this 7-minute video, we go over creating a thick outline using the Shape Builder tool. We also learn how to align using a Key Object.