03:34duration 3 minutes 34 seconds
CAD F20 - Variable Grade Act 3
In this 3-minute video, we create our Grading Table, inserting 4 smaller sizes to build 4 sizes smaller than size 16.
15:58duration 15 minutes 58 seconds
PDS3 Act_4 Grading
This video walks you through actually grading your grade points, applying growth to individual points
04:21duration 4 minutes 21 seconds
PDS3 Act_3 Grading Table
This video walks you through creating a Grading Table and color-coding it so that you can easily spot mistakes
03:26duration 3 minutes 26 seconds
Telecommunications, Economies of Scale and Outages
Telecommunications, Economies of Scale and Outages. The material used for this video was adapted from "Principles of Economics" which is entrusted to the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES…
01:05:54duration 1 hour 5 minutes
chapter 8 part 2