In this 16-minute video, we download documents that we are going to combine in our resume. We also create a shape frame and a text frame to bring in our text.
In this 11-minute video, we learn how to convert a line drawing into a DXF vector using Illustrator Image Trace function.
In this 22-minute video, we continue our journey into cloning, extracting two new styles from our starting shirt.
In this 29-minute, we use all the tools we learnt this semester to finalize a button-down shirt. This includes Reflect (O), Offset Path, Align, and Distribute.
In this 15-minute video, I introduce new tools that will become handy as we build our floats.
In this video, we learn how to select objects that have the same fill, how to apply and manipulate fills, and how to superimpose texture onto prints!
In this 25-minute video, we continue our exploration of Pattern Brushes, this time with a ruffle that we carefully end with a start and end cap!
In this 26-minute video, we learn how to Align to Key Object, use guides and align them to objects, and to trouble shoot brushes that are giving us issues.
In this 18-minute video, we learn to create fills for the different areas of our illustration.
In this 21-minute video, we go over copy-pasting our technical flat into our Tech Pack, adjusting the fill of our fashion fabric, creating variations for our corduroy and lining swatches, and finally…
In this 10-minute tutorial, we learn how to create a three-dimensional snap with text and radial gradient.
In this 7-minute video, we go over creating a thick outline using the Shape Builder tool. We also learn how to align using a Key Object.
In this 7-minute clip, we create a duplicate of our technical flat, Select Same building blocks and apply a warm yellow as our new fill.
In this 22-minute video, we go in-depth with zippers, zipper pulls, tabs and gather tapes.
In this 6-minute video, we learn how to select our building blocks, copy-paste-in-front, Shift-tap, and Unite a copy of our flat to generate a thick outline around our garment.
In this 15-minute video, we go over stitching applied using a pattern brush!