Melissa Villamil's class visits the Reality Collab to delve into the Immersive Space she created in collaboration with the Reality Collab.
This is a short commentary on virtual reality and art. Produced and Directed by Jacqueline Hernandez as the final project for Digital VIdeo I during the Fall of 2023.
How to use the Katy Podcast Studios
Talk: "'Gay Brothers and Sisters Unite!’: A New History of the Houston Gay Liberation Front" Brian Riedel, Ph.D. Wednesday, November 9, 2022 at 3:00 pm.
In this 20-minute video, we go over our Character Styles, Color Swatch, and how to introduce dynamic text content.
In this 8-minute movie, we learn how to create a new document meant to be viewed on a web browser.
In this last video, we learn more about our three types of frames. what the handles do, and how to customize our margins, columns and gutters. We also introduce typography basics such as Leading and…
Effective Delivery by Dr. Danielle Stagg
Communication by Professor Tracy Leigh
Variety by Professor James Duvall
Pitch Presentation by David Regenbaum
Gardening in Small Space with Texas Master Gardeners, This monthly series is presented by Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service and the Harris County Master Gardeners. The mission is to help…
In this 18-minute video, we finalize our document by folding our shirt sleeves and layout our garments in a two-page document. We then add production information and our document is ready for the…
In this 28-minute video, we put together our garment line-up for overcoats, making sure to group our garments and to scale them consistently across the board.
In this 12-minute video, we go over the 8 different pencil exercises included in this assignment. These will improve your fine motor skills and refine your hand-eye coordination.
In this short video, we go over the simple steps for our Color Pencil grid.