In this clip Randall Williams from HCCTV and Professor Elisa Diehl, Drama Instructor, talk about the HCC’s annual Gi60 Houston production.Presented by ScreamingMediaProductions in association…
Alumnus, Madison Crisp shares her experiences as a student at HCC, educational journey, and why the Visual Arts Program is a Credential of Value. HCC recognizes current and former students for their…
Econ Mini Term Orientation
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
The conditions for long-run balance in an economyThe conditions for sustainability of fiscal policyThe consequences of unsustainable fiscal policyWhether US fiscal policy is sustainableWhat kind of…
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Video for Instructional Leaders and Office Managers with the responsibility of verifying CV content.
Professor Nichole Boutte-Heiniluoma introduces us to We Crossed a Bridge and it Trembled, one of the reading choices for the Fall 2020 Reading Culture program.
In this 55-minute video, we cover the 18th century.
This 16-minute video walks us through the importance of Discussions, how to write one, and how they are graded by your instructor.
I describe what post-hoc tests are and give an example.
Computer Technology and the Demand for Labor. Material from this video was adapted from "Principle of Economics" which is entrusted to the UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA LIBRARIES PUBLISHING…
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Introduction to Exchange Rates and International Capital Flows - A Merged Currency
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Introduction to Exchange Rates and International Capital Flows - Tobin Taxes
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Exchange Rates and International Capital Flows - Soft and Hard Currency Pegs
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Monetary Policy and Bank Regulation - Monetary Policy in a Neoclassical
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY
Creative Commmons License
Attribution: CC BY